For your safety -Protecting Your Credit Cards- クレジットカードを守るために

For your safety -Protecting Your Credit Cards- クレジットカードを守るために

For your safety

Protecting Your Credit Cards

• AVOID providing card and account information to anyone over the telephone.

• Only give your credit card account number to make a purchase or reservation you have initiated. And NEVER GIVE THIS INFORMATION OVER A CELLULAR PHONE.

• NEVER give your credit card to someone else to use on your behalf.

• WATCH your credit card after giving it to store clerks to protect against extra imprints being


• DESTROY any carbons. DO NOT discard into the trashcan at the purchase counter. Keep charge slips in a safe place.

• SAVE all receipts, and compare them to your monthly statement. REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY!

• KEEP a master list in a secure place at home with all account numbers and phone numbers for reporting stolen or lost cards.

• DESTROY solicitations for new credit cards by shredding them. Don’t just throw them in the trash or recycling container. These mailings often contain pre-approval letters with your name and an account number already assigned. Thieves can easily establish credit in your name.

Lost or Stolen Cards

ALWAYS report lost or stolen cards to the issuing company IMMEDIATELY. This limits any unauthorized use of your card and permits the company to begin the process of issuing a new card.

Get Involved! No one individual or agency working alone can prevent crime. It takes police and citizens working in partnership. To learn more about community policing activities in your neighborhood, call your local police district.

Information on Protecting Your Identity and Credit Card Information from Thieves and Scam Artists

Don’t share your credit with thieves.

Take precautions when conducting your business online, using electronic tellers, or paying with credit cards at merchants.

As our lives become more integrated with technology, keeping our private information confidential becomes more and more difficult. Electronic transactions can leave you vulnerable to fraud and other crimes.

What About Those Passwords?

Whether on the Internet or using an online banking program, you are often required to use a password. The WORST ones to use are the ones that you think of first—your own or your spouse’s name, maiden name, pets’ and children’s names, etc.

The BEST passwords mix numbers with upper and lowercase letters. A pass[1]word not found in the dictionary is even better. There are programs that will try every word in the dictionary in an effort to crack your security. Avoid breaks in your security by doing the following:

• Change your password regularly. • Memorize your password. If you have several, develop a system for remembering them. If you do write down the password, keep it at home or hidden at work. Don’t write your password on a post-it note and stick it on your monitor or hard drive.

• Set up a special account or set aside a different computer at work for temporary help and other unauthorized users.

• If you have the option of letting your computer or a website remember a password for you,

DON’T USE IT! Anyone who uses your machine will have automatic access to information that is password protected.

Using ATMs and Long Distance Phone Cards

It is extremely important for you to protect your Personal Identification Number (PIN). A PIN is a confidential code that is issued to the cardholder to permit access to that account. Your PIN should be memorized, secured and not given out to anyone—even family members or bank employees. The fewer people who have access to your PIN, the better.

• NEVER write your PIN on ATM or long-distance calling cards.

• DON’T write your PIN on a piece of paper and place it in your wallet. If your wallet and card are lost or stolen, someone will have everything they need to remove funds from your account, make unauthorized debit purchases, or run up your long-distance phone bill.

• BE SURE to take your ATM receipt to record transactions and match them against monthly statements. Dishonest people can use your receipt to get your account number.

• NEVER leave the ATM receipt at the site.

When You Shop in Cyberspace

You can prevent problems BEFORE they occur by:

• Doing business with companies you know and trust. If you haven’t heard of the company, research it or ask for a paper catalog before you decide to order electronically. Check with your state consumer protection agency on whether the company is licensed or registered. Fraudulent companies can appear and disappear very quickly in cyberspace.

• Check to see if your computer connection is secure. In Internet Explorer, for example, you should see a small yellow lock in the lower right corner of the screen. In Netscape, a secure connection is shown by a small lock highlighted in yellow in the lower left corner of the screen.

• Using a secure internet browser that will encrypt or scramble purchase information. If there is no encryption software, consider calling the company’s 800 number, faxing your order, or paying with a check.

• Never give a bank account or credit card number or other personal information such as your Social Security number and date of birth to anyone you don’t know or haven’t checked out. And DON’T provide information that is unnecessary to make a purchase. Even with partial information, con artists can make unauthorized charges or take money from your account. If you have an even choice between using your credit card and mailing cash, check or money order, use a credit card. You can always dispute fraudulent credit card charges, but you can’t get cash back.

For your safet y

Protecting Your Credit Cards

• AVOID providing card and account information to anyone over the telephone.

• Only give your credit card account number to make a purchase or reservation you have initiated. And NEVER GIVE THIS INFORMATION OVER A CELLULAR PHONE.

• NEVER give your credit card to someone else to use on your behalf.

• WATCH your credit card after giving it to store clerks to protect against extra imprints being


• DESTROY any carbons. DO NOT discard into the trashcan at the purchase counter. Keep charge slips in a safe place.

• SAVE all receipts, and compare them to your monthly statement. REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY!

• KEEP a master list in a secure place at home with all account numbers and phone numbers for reporting stolen or lost cards.

• DESTROY solicitations for new credit cards by shredding them. Don’t just throw them in the trash or recycling container. These mailings often contain pre-approval letters with your name and an account number already assigned. Thieves can easily establish credit in your name.

Lost or Stolen Cards

ALWAYS report lost or stolen cards to the issuing company IMMEDIATELY. This limits any unauthorized use of your card and permits the company to begin the process of issuing a new card.

Get Involved! No one individual or agency working alone can prevent crime. It takes police and citizens working in partnership. To learn more about community policing activities in your neighborhood, call your local police district.

Information on Protecting Your Identity and Credit Card Information from Thieves and Scam Artists

Don’t share your credit with thieves.

Take precautions when conducting your business online, using electronic tellers, or paying with credit cards at merchants.

As our lives become more integrated with technology, keeping our private information confidential becomes more and more difficult. Electronic transactions can leave you vulnerable to fraud and other crimes.

What About Those Passwords?

Whether on the Internet or using an online banking program, you are often required to use a password. The WORST ones to use are the ones that you think of first—your own or your spouse’s name, maiden name, pets’ and children’s names, etc.

The BEST passwords mix numbers with upper and lowercase letters. A pass[1]word not found in the dictionary is even better. There are programs that will try every word in the dictionary in an effort to crack your security. Avoid breaks in your security by doing the following:

• Change your password regularly. • Memorize your password. If you have several, develop a system for remembering them. If you do write down the password, keep it at home or hidden at work. Don’t write your password on a post-it note and stick it on your monitor or hard drive.

• Set up a special account or set aside a different computer at work for temporary help and other unauthorized users.

• If you have the option of letting your computer or a website remember a password for you, DON’T USE IT! Anyone who uses your machine will have automatic access to information that is password protected.

Using ATMs and Long Distance Phone Cards

It is extremely important for you to protect your Personal Identification Number (PIN). A PIN is a confidential code that is issued to the cardholder to permit access to that account. Your PIN should be memorized, secured and not given out to anyone—even family members or bank employees. The fewer people who have access to your PIN, the better.

• NEVER write your PIN on ATM or long-distance calling cards.

• DON’T write your PIN on a piece of paper and place it in your wallet. If your wallet and card are lost or stolen, someone will have everything they need to remove funds from your account, make unauthorized debit purchases, or run up your long-distance phone bill.

• BE SURE to take your ATM receipt to record transactions and match them against monthly statements. Dishonest people can use your receipt to get your account number.

• NEVER leave the ATM receipt at the site.

When You Shop in Cyberspace

You can prevent problems BEFORE they occur by:

• Doing business with companies you know and trust. If you haven’t heard of the company, research it or ask for a paper catalog before you decide to order electronically. Check with your state consumer protection agency on whether the company is licensed or registered. Fraudulent companies can appear and disappear very quickly in cyberspace.

• Check to see if your computer connection is secure. In Internet Explorer, for example, you should see a small yellow lock in the lower right corner of the screen. In Netscape, a secure connection is shown by a small lock highlighted in yellow in the lower left corner of the screen.

• Using a secure internet browser that will encrypt or scramble purchase information. If there is no encryption software, consider calling the company’s 800 number, faxing your order, or paying with a check.

• Never give a bank account or credit card number or other personal information such as your Social Security number and date of birth to anyone you don’t know or haven’t checked out. And DON’T provide information that is unnecessary to make a purchase. Even with partial information, con artists can make unauthorized charges or take money from your account. If you have an even choice between using your credit card and mailing cash, check or money order, use a credit card. You can always dispute fraudulent credit card charges, but you can’t get cash back.



– 電話でカードや口座の情報を提供しないようにしましょう。

– クレジットカードの口座番号は、購入や予約の際にしか教えないようにしましょう。また、携帯電話では絶対にこの情報を教えないようにしましょう。

– 自分のクレジットカードを他人に渡して、自分の代わりに使わせることは絶対にしないでください。

– クレジットカードを店員に渡した後は、余計な刻印をされないよう、よく見ておいてください。


– カーボンはすべて破棄してください。購入カウンターのゴミ箱には捨てないでください。チャージスリップは安全な場所に保管してください。

– すべてのレシートを保存し、毎月の明細書と比較してください。不一致があれば、すぐに報告してください。

– カードの盗難や紛失を報告するために、すべての口座番号と電話番号を記載したマスターリストを自宅の安全な場所に保管してください。

– 新しいクレジットカードの勧誘は、シュレッダーで破棄してください。ゴミ箱やリサイクルコンテナに捨てないでください。これらの郵便物には、あなたの名前と口座番号がすでに割り当てられている事前承認書が含まれていることがよくあります。泥棒は簡単にあなたの名前でクレジットを作ることができます。



参加する 犯罪を防ぐには、一個人や一機関が単独で動くことはできません。警察と市民が協力して犯罪を防止する必要があります。近隣の地域警察活動について詳しく知りたい場合は、最寄りの警察署に連絡してください。








– パスワードは定期的に変更する。- パスワードを記憶する。複数のパスワードを持っている場合は、それらを記憶するためのシステムを開発する。パスワードを書き留める場合は、自宅や職場に隠しておく。パスワードを付箋に書いて、モニターやハードディスクに貼り付けたりしないこと。

– 臨時のヘルプやその他の不正ユーザー用に、特別なアカウントを設定するか、職場の別のコンピュータを確保する。

– コンピュータやウェブサイトにパスワードを記憶させるオプションがある場合、それを使わないでください。あなたのマシンを使用する誰もが、パスワードで保護されている情報に自動的にアクセスすることになります。



– ATMカードや長距離電話カードには、絶対に暗証番号を書かないでください。

– 暗証番号を紙に書いて財布に入れない。財布やカードを紛失したり、盗まれたりした場合、あなたの口座から資金を引き出したり、不正な引き落としをしたり、長距離電話料金を請求したりするのに必要なものは、すべて誰かが持っているのです。

– ATMのレシートを必ず持って行き、取引を記録し、月々の明細書と照合してください。不正な人は、レシートを使ってあなたの口座番号を知ることができます。

– ATMのレシートは決してその場に放置しないでください。



– 知っている会社、信頼できる会社と取引する。その会社のことを知らない場合は、電子商取引で注文する前に、その会社について調べたり、紙のカタログをもらったりしてください。その会社が免許や登録を受けているかどうか、 州の消費者保護機関に確認する。サイバー空間では、詐欺まがいの会社がすぐに現れたり消えたりすることがあります。

– コンピュータの接続が安全かどうかを確認する。例えば、Internet Explorerでは、画面の右下に小さな黄色のロックが表示されているはずです。Netscapeでは、安全な接続は画面の左下隅に黄色くハイライトされた小さなロックで示されます。

– 購入情報を暗号化またはスクランブルする安全なインターネットブラウザを使用する。暗号化ソフトがない場合は、その会社の800番地に電話するか、注文をファックスで送るか、小切手で支払うことを検討する。

– 銀行口座やクレジットカードの番号、社会保障番号や生年月日などの個人情報は、知らない人や調べてもいない人には絶対に教えないでください。また、購入に不必要な情報は提供しないようにしましょう。部分的な情報であっても、詐欺師は不正な請求をしたり、あなたの口座からお金を引き出したりすることができます。クレジットカードを使うか、現金、小切手、郵便為替を郵送するか、どちらかを選ぶことができる場合は、クレジットカードを使いましょう。クレジットカードの不正請求にはいつでも異議を申し立てることができますが、キャッシュバックは受けられません。



– 避免通过电话向任何人提供卡片和账户信息。

– 只有在进行购买或预订时才提供你的信用卡账户号码。切勿在手机上提供这些信息。

– 永远不要把你的信用卡交给别人代为使用。

– 将信用卡交给店员后要注意观察,以防止出现额外的印记。


– 销毁任何碳化物。不要丢弃在购物柜台的垃圾桶里。将收费单据放在一个安全的地方。

– 保存所有收据,并将其与你的月结单进行比较。如有任何差异,立即报告!

– 在家里的一个安全的地方保存一份总清单,上面有所有的帐号和电话号码,以便报告卡片被盗或丢失。

– 撕碎新的信用卡邀请函,将其销毁。不要只是把它们扔进垃圾桶或回收箱。这些邮件通常包含预先批准信,其中有你的名字和已经分配的账号。小偷可以轻易地用你的名字建立信用。



参与进来! 没有任何一个人或机构可以单独工作来防止犯罪。要了解更多关于你所在社区的社区警务活动,请致电你的当地警区。








– 定期更改你的密码。

– 牢记你的密码。如果你有几个密码,要建立一个系统来记住它们。如果你写下了密码,把它放在家里或藏在工作的地方。不要把密码写在便签纸上,然后贴在显示器或硬盘上。

– 在工作中设立一个特殊的账户或留出一台不同的电脑,供临时帮助和其他未经授权的用户使用。

– 如果你可以选择让你的电脑或网站为你记住密码,那就不要使用它! 任何使用你的机器的人都会自动获得受密码保护的信息。



– 千万不要把你的密码写在ATM卡或长途电话卡上。

– 不要把你的密码写在一张纸上,然后把它放在你的钱包里。如果你的钱包和银行卡丢失或被盗,有人就会拥有从你的账户中取出资金、进行未经授权的借记消费或增加你的长途电话费所需的一切。

– 一定要拿着你的自动提款机收据来记录交易,并与月结单相匹配。不诚实的人可以利用你的收据来获取你的账户号码。

– 千万不要把ATM机的收据留在现场。



– 与你熟悉和信任的公司做生意。如果你没有听说过该公司,在你决定以电子方式订购之前,先研究它或要求提供纸质目录。向你所在州的消费者保护机构查询该公司是否有执照或注册。欺诈性公司在网络空间中出现和消失的速度非常快。

– 检查你的电脑连接是否安全。例如,在IE浏览器中,你应该在屏幕的右下角看到一个黄色的小锁。在Netscape中,一个安全的连接显示为屏幕左下角的一个黄色小锁。

– 使用安全的互联网浏览器,对购买信息进行加密或窜改。如果没有加密软件,可以考虑拨打该公司的800电话,传真你的订单,或用支票付款。

– 千万不要把银行账户或信用卡号码或其他个人信息,如你的社会安全号码和出生日期,提供给你不认识或没有检查过的人。也不要提供不必要的信息来进行购买。即使有部分信息,骗子也可以进行未经授权的收费或从你的账户中取钱。如果你可以在使用信用卡和邮寄现金、支票或汇票之间进行选择,请使用信用卡。你可以随时对信用卡的欺诈性收费提出异议,但你不能获得现金返还。




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